Address:Russian Federation,125362, abonent post no. 32, Moscow, Stroitelny proezd, 7A, building 2, office 10, JSC "AutoMechanics.Inc"
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The demo version 12.14.41 of the software package is available at the link
DOWNLOAD the demo version of EULER
October 2024
A new version of the software package has been released EULER 12.12 The demo version 12.12.03 of the software package is available at the link
May, 2023
Выпущена новая версия программного комплекса EULER 12.12
Май, 2023
We continue to actively work on improving the EULER software package.
A big update of the software package - the 12th version of EULER has been released, in which the following important changes have been made: