The work was carried out at the request of the Aircraft Corporation, 2010.
This study was conducted celm.determine the cause of undesirable vibrations of the landing gear support and develop recommendations for their elimination.The peculiarities of the detected vibrations are a rather large rarity of their occurrence and their inexplicability within the framework of the classical theory of "shimmy".In the framework of this paper, the nature of the occurrence of vibrations and the influence of the chassis support parameters on the characteristics of oscillations were investigated.
The work was carried out by order of OJSC Tupolev, 2003.
Modeling the release of the flap, taking into account the dynamics of the "wing + flap + harvesting-release mechanism + external environment" in three-dimensional space.Main features of the model: elastic wing model;elastic flap model;non-stationary aerodynamic impact on the wing and flap;joint movement of 4 mechanisms of release-cleaning of the flap.
Simulation of the release / cleaning processes of the landing gear of the aircraft was carried out in order to determine the required forces in the drive mechanisms, loads in the rack design nodes and other characteristics.The models take into account external loads, the work of the rack fixing mechanisms and friction in the
The work was carried out at the request of FSUE RAC MiG, 2005.
The dynamic models of the MiG-29K aircraft and the ship subsystems designed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the aircraft in various operating modes when based on an aircraft carrier are developed.The created models were used to simulate the airplane raids on the launching device, takeoff and landing of the aircraft using a cable aerofinisher, which is captured by the tail hook.
The work was carried out by order of OJSC Tupolev, 2003.
A dynamic model of the Tu-334 aircraft designed to study the dynamic landing processes was developed.The model makes it possible to investigate the dynamic behavior of an aircraft in three-dimensional space, taking into account the elasticity of the glider design, the spatial motion of the chassis mechanisms, the nonlinear characteristics of force interactions, and the influence of other factors.
Modeling of the dynamic behavior of the "airplane + tank + external environment" system to determine the conditions of unstressed tank separation.The main features of the model: the motion of the system in three-dimensional space;the effect of aerodynamic forces on the tank, taking into account the interference from the aircraft;work of the tail tank delay unit.